Policy on suspending, revoking or imposing conditions on the registration of a RAP

Sections 154A and 157 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 give the Council the power to impose a condition upon, suspend, or revoke the registration of a Registered Aboriginal Party

Sections 154A and 157 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 give the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council the power to impose a condition upon, suspend, or revoke the registration of a Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP). This paper sets out Council’s policy and procedures with respect to the exercise of these powers.

Foremost in Council’s consideration in the exercise of any of these powers is the purpose of the Act: in particular “to empower [T]raditional [O]wners as protectors of their cultural heritage…”. The central vehicle established under the Act to bring about this empowerment is the RAP. Thus, while there may be circumstances that demand the revocation of a RAP’s registration, this action will only ever be taken as a last resort as it has the potential effect of disempowering affected Traditional Owners. Seen in this context, use of the power contained in the Act to suspend the registration of a RAP or to impose conditions upon that registration should be seen as mechanisms utilised to avoid any necessity to revoke registration and not as a sanction.
