Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council regional meetings

Our meetings present a forum to discuss Aboriginal cultural heritage, land management and Traditional Owner roles and responsibilities under The Aboriginal Heritage Act.

The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council hosts an annual regional meeting to promote Aboriginal culture. 

Meetings are held to:

  • share knowledge about managing cultural heritage
  • raise concerns or ideas

Register your interest for the next meeting

Who can attend

You may find this meeting helpful if you work in the following organisations:

  • Traditional Owner groups
  • local councils
  • water catchment management authorities
  • land management
  • emergency services
  • government agencies


One regional meeting is held each year. The last regional meeting was held in Lorne in June 2018.

Topics from 2018 roundtable discussions

  • Amendments to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and future functions of the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council.
  • Aboriginal cultural heritage and land management.
  • Engagement between local government and Traditional Owners.
  • The return and protection of Ancestral Remains.
