Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council Strategic Plan 2021-2026

Council is pleased to publish its new 5-year Strategic Plan, outlining how Council will fulfil its long-term goals and aspirations.

Wednesday, 8 September 2021 at 3:23 am

Council’s vision for 2021-2026 is of a place where language is spoken easily, Traditional Owners are respected, Countries are cared for appropriately and Cultures are proudly lived by all our Peoples.

Our vision will only be realised through:

  • respecting Traditional Owner rights and responsibilities to Culture and Community
  • supporting our Peoples to advocate, communicate and educate about these inherited, fundamental and spiritual responsibilities for the benefit of all people
  • significant legislative changes, ensuring Traditional Owners manage their Cultural Heritage.

Council’s purpose is to uphold Traditional Owner rights and responsibilities to Culture and Community. Supporting our People to advocate, communicate and educate about these inherited, fundamental and spiritual responsibilities for the benefit of all people.

Read the current Plan

Read former Plans

Read Annual Reports
